Thursday, October 24, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: White Russian

We started October with the Black Russian and now with October coming to a close next week, we'll be checking out its cousin, the White Russian.  The White Russian, like the Black Russian, is not Russian in origin (mostly because an actual Russian cocktail would just be a glass of vodka).  Turning a Black Russian into a White Russian is simple.  You just add 3 parts cream to your 5 part vodka, 2 part coffee liqueur drink.  If you're looking for a good time with White Russians, look no further than the Big Lebowski drinking game.  All you have to do is drink a White Russian every time The Dude drinks one.  I won't tell you how many there are, you'll need to find that out on your own but just know you will be in for an interesting night.  Also, some news, starting in November, I will be eating the remaining sandwiches featuring turkey on our Taliercio's list.  After the White Russian, there are four remaining turkey sandwiches and I couldn't think of a better time than November to eat nothing but turkey.  

White Russian: Turkey, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Horseradish Pub Sauce, Pumpernickel Bread

This sandwich was nearly identical to the Black Russian in every way except for turkey instead of roast beef as the meat.  I really, really enjoyed how much the horseradish sauce complimented the turkey.  Sometimes turkey on its own can be a real bummer but this was not the case here.  I'm still going to give the edge to the Black Russian though only because the roast beef at Taliercio's is so very choice.  Still, don't sleep on the White Russian if you're looking for something leaner.  

Overall: 7.8/10

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