Thursday, October 17, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: The Klocko

A friend sent an interesting snapchat to me the other day.  No, it's not what you're thinking.  He was in Taliercio's and allegedly there is now a "sandwich of the month."  Upon investigation (when I went in today) I noticed a new sign right in front: "The Klocko" October's Sandwich of the Month.  Seeing as though it's now halfway through October, I couldn't think of a better time than now to introduce you all to this month's Sandwich of the Month. The contest is simple.  Once a month they will be picking a random individual to create a sandwich and name it for the entire month.  All you need to do is: 

1. Take a picture of your sandwich and tag @taliercios on Instagram.
2. Hashtag with #Taliercios #NJSBest #ItsHeroNotHoagie (love the last one, sorry Philly. I'm not sorry.) 

Now before you start asking me when my sandwich will appear (Mom), I have a dilemma.  Do I submit as myself on my personal IG and send in the Anthony G? (As seen in this blog post, the Anthony G would be Turkey, Pepper Jack, Jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, tomatoes, onion, chipotle mayo panini.)  Or do I submit under my alias IG El Jefe Eats and wait until I collect all of the data on the sandwiches to create the most scientifically proven and perfect Taliercio's concoction (you better believe the El Jefe will include fried ravs on the sandwich because those are the undisputed GOAT.) 

Please, yell at me in the Facebook comments about this.  Or if you don't care just scroll down to see what the very first winner came up with.

The Klocko: Chicken Cutlet, Mozzarella, Fried Eggplant, Broccoli Rabe, Sundried Tomatoes, Balsamic Glaze

I don't know you Klocko but you really did it.  This sandwich is very reminiscent of The Mo which as you know received very high praise from me.  It's also where I professed my new found love of Broccoli Rabe.  Well, you know how you improve on grilled chicken?  Klocko knows.  You bread it and fry it.  Oh and while you're at it add in fried eggplant too. Whew.  Don't get me wrong, the grilled chicken was perfect for summer, but now that fall has reared its head and it's about 50 degrees outside, you're going to want this comforting fried medley of goodness to get you to the weekend.  

Overall: 8.3/10

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