Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Taliercio's Sandwich Challenge-Black Russian

I'm sure you have all seen a White Russian thanks to The Big Lebowski (or maybe the Olympics), but did you know that the Black Russian is the older cocktail?  That's right, the 2 part Coffee liqueur, 5 part Vodka drink that's handed out at every Russian breakfast since age 12 first appeared in 1949 beating out its brother "White Russian" by sixteen years.  You'll never believe this but neither drink is Russian in origin.  The Black Russian is ascribed to Gustave Tops, a Belgian bartender, who created the drink in the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, Perle Mesta.  The more you know.  So why choose this sandwich on the first of October? The answer also has nothing to do with Russians.  The White and Black Russians might be the most unique sandwiches at Taliercio's in that they are served on Pumpernickel bread rather than the usual Semolina bread on almost all other sandwiches.  I suppose you could ask for Pumpernickel on any sandwich but who wants to make such a fuss?  Why Pumpernickel on October 1st? Glad you asked.  Pumpernickel bread is a slightly sweet rye bread traditionally made with sourdough.  Who made this type of bread? The Germans, of course, who are responsible for all of your favorite Oktoberfest celebrations. The bread has been heavily associated with the Westphalia region since at least 1450.  Traditionally known as peasant fare by the Germans, the word Pumpernickel derives from the High German word "pumpern" a synonym for flatulent and "Nickel" which was a form of the name Nicholas, commonly associated with the devil in German culture.  Yes, that means the word pumpernickel literally means devil's fart in German.  So let us find out how the devil's fart tastes, together, like the peasants we are.  

Black Russian: Roast Beef, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Horseradish Pub Sauce, Pumpernickel Bread

This might go down as one of my favorites as Taliercio's, something I never would have guessed because who would order a sandwich with pumpernickel bread? The pumpernickel bread was actually really good. A nice, sweet change of pace for sure and even though it might have looked like one, it did not taste like a devil's fart.  Myth busted. But honestly, you could put this roast beef and horseradish sauce on anything and it would have been good.  A perfect sandwich to jump into fall with (yes, for me fall begins October 1st), it will strangely leave you wanting more pumpernickel.  Spooky. 

Overall: 8.3/10  

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