Friday, October 18, 2019

PEC Challenge: Willow Deli

Here we are.  Friday.  And honestly, I don't have much to talk about.  I mean I already covered problematic explorers, three day weekends, and new sandwich contests.  All in all, a pretty boring week if you ask me.  Which is why I needed to cover another PEC. I've been a little behind pace (I've eaten 42 pork rolls this year) and I really want to get some cool data visualizations out to you guys for the new year (decade, fuck).  Now that it's getting cold and my only weekend plans include a best of three playoff series in an adult softball league and catching a nice buzz while watching the entire Lord of the Rings series (not particularly in that order), I'll hopefully be able to start working on that soon.  In some other news, due to the Taliercio's sandwich of the week taking the spot of another sandwich this week, I will be reviewing TWO sandwiches next week most likely on Tuesday and Thursday so make sure to look for those as well as potentially two more pork rolls on Monday and Friday.  OK, well that's my life update, friendly reminder that you all have about one week left to figure out your Halloween costumes. (I'll never be too old to dress up on Halloween and do I ever have some fun ones for you guys in the pipeline.) 

Bread Rating: 6.2/10 (A pretty soft hard roll reminiscent to something you'd find in one of those clear containers of bread they have at the grocery store.  I'm not saying this bread came from the Acme down the street but suspicious minds...)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.4/10 (Three thick slices of a similar brand of pork roll that I found in Colts Neck.  Not my favorite.)

Egg Rating: 7.2/10 (The eggs were plentiful, fried and seasoned well.  A highlight)

Cheese Rating: 6.6/10 (There was cheese on there, I think, and it was melted.) 

Sandwich Composition: 7.1/10 (It was put together nicely.  I appreciated both sides of the roll being dolloped with ketchup, likely to distract from the subpar roll. But it was a good looking PEC and a good size.)

Overall: 6.7/10 (What we have here folks is our very first "Bodega Pork Roll." If you don't know the term "Bodega" I hope you go get some culture in your life. This PEC will play if it's all you have in the area or you're in a pinch.  It certainly wasn't the worst I've ever had but it is what it is.)

Price: $4, cash 

Willow Deli is located at 290 Willow Dr, Little Silver, NJ 07739

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