Thursday, October 31, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: John Candy

I know today's Halloween and you've all enjoyed a healthy amount of Kit Kats for breakfast this morning but we're going to be celebrating a different candy this week.  (Wait, people don't eat Kit Kats for breakfast).  You probably know John Candy as that funny larger gentleman from the 80s and early 90s who starred in comedy classics such as Stripes, Splash, Spaceballs, Uncle Buck, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Cool Runnings, and a personal favorite of mine, Home Alone. (Though Home Alone 2 is better). He started his career in the Toronto branch of Second City, a famous Chicago improv group that produced comedians such as Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis, Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short, Harold Ramis, Robin Duke, Joe Flaherty, and Andrea Martin.  Together they starred in SCTV, a popular Canadian version of SNL, which became very popular in the U.S. from 1976-1984.  Unfortunately, John Candy died of a heart attack in 1994 while making his final film Wagons East.  But he left behind a lasting legacy of comedy and has gone down as one of Canada's funniest exports.  There's also a panini in his honor from Taliercio's.  I'm not entirely sure why these ingredients were chosen for him but I'm rolling with it.  Happy Halloween.  

John Candy: Roast Pork, Broccoli Rabe, Sundried Tomatoes, Provolone, Balsamic Glaze

I know I previously declared my new found love for broccoli rabe but I didn't love it on a panini. Interestingly, I found the provolone delightful when melted (I find it a little sharp sometimes otherwise).  Funny what a little chemistry will do to your food.  This was almost nearly identical to the Tony G sandwich except with roast pork instead of turkey but I think this combination just works better as a sandwich than a panini.  It could be just me but the broccoli rabe was just a bit overpowering with the bitterness in the panini. 

Overall: 6.3

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PEC Challenge: Jersey Roll

Hand up.  I ate this PEC in August while at the Ocean Township Italian Festival and was saving it for a summer release since Jersey Roll is based out of the Seaside boardwalk.  And before you get on me with the "buuut pork roll isn't Italian" bit, it wasn't the only thing I ate at that festival. I also ate some excellent penne vodka from Piccola in Ocean and a year's worth of zeppoles.  But that's neither here nor there.  The real reason I chose today to post about NJ's beloved breakfast meat from a place fittingly named Jersey Roll is that tonight is Mischief Night.  Unfamiliar? You probably didn't grow up in Jersey. According to the NY Times' American dialect test, NJ is the only place where it's universally celebrated and known.  Mischief Night is celebrated the day before Halloween when local teens harass the living shit out of their neighborhoods with pranks such as littering front lawns with toilet paper and silly string, egging cars, smashing pumpkins, and my personal favorite, the ding-dong ditch (sometimes accompanied by a bag of dog shit which has been set ablaze on their front porch).   Now, I get it, you're thinking "what a bunch of absolute scumlords" and you're only 50% right.  But for the most part, people who give out shit Halloween candy the year before or are generally unfriendly neighbors get it the worst because vigilante street justice and pettiness are what's hot in these neighborhoods.  Also hot?  This pork roll.  Here are my notes from when I ate it.

Bread Rating: 7.4/10 (Pretty good roll, nicely toasted but unfortunately just a bit flat.  I'm not sure if this was a transport thing since they operate out of a truck but still my only bad mark.)

Pork Roll Rating: 8.9/10 (Four slice, two on the bottom with egg and cheese in the middle two more on top.  Absolutely academic. I think food truck griddles just have a little extra flavor and grease to them and its evident here.  Awesome.)

Egg Rating: 8.4/10 (Fried egg, you know what it is.  Some of that food truck grease gives it a nice boost.)

Cheese Rating: 8.2/10 (White American cheese, the real deal.  Didn't put a lot on there because we all know pork roll is the main event.)

Sandwich Composition: 9.2/10 (I mean this was about as perfect a PEC composition as you're going to get, minus the bread issue which I already addressed.  SPK ratio, spot on.  Sandwiching the egg and cheese with pork roll is upper-echelon shit only.  They know what they're doing.

Overall Rating: 8.4/10 (I'm willing to bet that if I go to Seaside Heights boardwalk that this overall score will only go up.  Jersey Roll is an elite PEC and if you see their truck at a festival you'd be messing up by not getting one.)

Price: $9, card accepted

Jersey Roll can be found at 1205 Boardwalk, Seaside Heights, NJ 08751 or you can usually find them at Laurita Winery 85 Archertown Rd, New Egypt, NJ 08533.

Monday, October 28, 2019

PEC Challenge: Pat's Market

We are back in Lincroft to start off the week with a PEC literally three doors down (lol) from Joyce's.  I don't think Pat's Market is really known for their breakfast sandwiches? Just the vibe I got from them since the place opened at 9am and they looked really surprised to see me there at opening time.  I would consider this spot more of a deli/butcher and Joyce's more of a breakfast/also a deli spot.  Funny how I went from struggling to find a good deli/literally anywhere other than a McDonalds to get breakfast in Virginia to having about 100 delis within 15 minutes of me.  I guess the brunch scene here is significantly worse than NoVa so you win some you lose some.  This is now my fourth meal to come from Newman Springs Road over the weekend if you include last Friday's blog and my two separate Eastern Empire takeout orders from the weekend so yes, I have reached my Lincroft appearance quota for the year.  Let's check out Pat's. 

Bread Rating: 6.8/10 (A pretty standard roll that you could find at the grocery store.)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.7/10 (Seeing as though this place is a butchery I can only assume this might be their own brand of pork roll.  A little saltier than some others.)

Egg Rating: 7.4/10 (The fried egg was very good here, nice crisped edges with softness inside.)

Cheese Rating: 7/2/10 (You can tell the difference between Boars Head cheese and non-Boars Head cheese.  This was the former.  Nicely melted.)

Sandwich Composition: 6.4/10 (A little heavy on the ketchup on this one.  Generally, PEC's on bagels have trouble keeping together but this one was on a hard roll and was sliding all over the place.)

Overall: 6.9/10 (This wasn't a bad PEC, just a fairly average one and when you have a breakfast institution literally three doors down it's tough to compete.  I'm sure they have some solid meats and game day platters but if you want the best PEC you can get in Lincroft the edge has to go to Joyce's.)

Price: $6, credit accepted with $10 minimum. 

Pat's Market is located at 677 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ 07738

Friday, October 25, 2019

PEC Challenge: Joyce's Subs and Pizza

Today I ventured into a part of town I frequented during high school years. (RIP Lincroft McDonalds).  Some may perceive Lincroft as the "Eagleton" of Middletown but I would never make such a comparison on this blog.  Last time I wrote about wealth perception among White Suburban America I landed myself in six-figure debt (thank you college). Pork Rolls have proven to be much cheaper to write about, in fact, it would take me 36,400 PEC's to reach the cost of my college education.  That's pretty fucking sick.  Anyway, I've always heard about Joyce's from friends from the Croft but I don't think I've ever been in there.  For some reason, there are three places to get breakfast or coffee in the strip as it shares a parking lot with Pat's Market and a Dunkin Donuts.  There was also a cigar shop that was open at 8am with multiple people in there smoking.  Retirement sounds lovely.  

Bread Rating: 8.1/10 (Poppyseed rolls are standard here and technically cheating but I'm not complaining.  It was a solid roll.)

Pork Roll Rating: 8.6/10 (Three slices, griddled to perfection.  There was a ton of flavor here that I really didn't expect when looking at it.)

Egg Rating: 8.4/10 (The egg had a hint of runniness which created an explosion of flavors in every bite.  The griddle here has to be one of the better-seasoned ones in the area.)

Cheese Rating: 6.8/10 (Can't really fault the cheese being kind of neglected here when you bring it with the pork roll and egg. An average American yellow slice on top of the egg.)

Sandwich Composition: 8.8/10 (A bit on the smaller side of PEC's but this one brought all of the flavors you come to expect.  Constructed well, with good SPK ratio.)

Overall: 8.2/10 (A Lincroft institution that won't steer you wrong. A bit small but packed with flavor, this should be on anyone's list who lives in the area.)

Price: $4, credit accepted.

Joyce's Subs and Pizza is located at 655 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ 07738

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: White Russian

We started October with the Black Russian and now with October coming to a close next week, we'll be checking out its cousin, the White Russian.  The White Russian, like the Black Russian, is not Russian in origin (mostly because an actual Russian cocktail would just be a glass of vodka).  Turning a Black Russian into a White Russian is simple.  You just add 3 parts cream to your 5 part vodka, 2 part coffee liqueur drink.  If you're looking for a good time with White Russians, look no further than the Big Lebowski drinking game.  All you have to do is drink a White Russian every time The Dude drinks one.  I won't tell you how many there are, you'll need to find that out on your own but just know you will be in for an interesting night.  Also, some news, starting in November, I will be eating the remaining sandwiches featuring turkey on our Taliercio's list.  After the White Russian, there are four remaining turkey sandwiches and I couldn't think of a better time than November to eat nothing but turkey.  

White Russian: Turkey, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Horseradish Pub Sauce, Pumpernickel Bread

This sandwich was nearly identical to the Black Russian in every way except for turkey instead of roast beef as the meat.  I really, really enjoyed how much the horseradish sauce complimented the turkey.  Sometimes turkey on its own can be a real bummer but this was not the case here.  I'm still going to give the edge to the Black Russian though only because the roast beef at Taliercio's is so very choice.  Still, don't sleep on the White Russian if you're looking for something leaner.  

Overall: 7.8/10

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: Ricky Ricardo

This week, 68 years ago, one of TV's greatest and most influential sitcoms in history debuted on CBS.  I'm, of course, talking about I Love Lucy, winner of five Emmy Awards and the black and white show (color TV still not a thing in 1951) you woke up to in the middle of the night because you forgot to put your sleep timer on.  I Love Lucy centers on Lucy Ricardo (played by Lucille Ball) and her husband Ricky Ricardo (played by Desi Arnaz) and their best friends (who are also her landlords?) living in an apartment in New York City.  I know, crazy plot, right? How could a couple afford to live in a multi-bedroom Upper East Side brownstone apartment on one income? (Oh I know, the rent for their apartment was $105 a month!) That wasn't the controversy that executives felt viewers wouldn't tolerate.  Nope, not even close.  Back in 1951, CBS executives initially balked at the idea of portraying a marriage between an all-American girl and a Latin man, even though Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were actually married.  The marriage between Scottish American Lucy and Cuban American Ricky marked the first appearance of interracial marriage on American television.  A little ridiculous to think that my current relationship would be considered interracial to early American TV viewers but I digress. 

Ricky Ricardo: Roast Pork, Ham, Baby Swiss, Pickle, Spicy Mustard

As many American's first introductions to Cubans, it's only fitting that Taliercio's Ricky Ricardo sandwich be their version of a Cuban sandwich. The Cuban sandwich was developed in Florida, specifically Tampa and Miami, by laborers working in the cigar industry. The rivalry between the two cities over who has the best sandwich is heated but if I may, I would like to share my unbiased opinion.  The best Cuban sandwiches are found in Hudson County, New Jersey and no it has nothing to do with the fact that that's where my family is from.  This may not come as a surprise to any of you but I've had my fair share of Cuban sandwiches. (Not only in NJ)  That's why judging this one is going to be tough for me.  As Cuban sandwiches go, does this hold a candle to anything you'll find in Union City?  No, for sure not.  There's no Cuban bread here (arguably the best bread) and the roast pork didn't hit you with that Carribean flavor.  However, as far as Taliercio's panini's go, this is still up there as one of my favorites.  The combination of ham, swiss, spicy mustard and pickles is an all-time combination for me, you honestly could not screw it up.  If you do screw it up, you don't deserve to make sandwiches.  So, I'm going to give two scores here.  One is a score based on other Taliercio's sandwiches and another is a Cuban sandwich score so you can see how it stacks up.

Taliercios: 8.9/10 (Still an all-time Taliercio's panini despite missing the Cuban bread and mojo seasoned pork.)

Cuban: 6.2/10 (It was missing the Cuban bread and mojo seasoned pork.)

Friday, October 18, 2019

PEC Challenge: Willow Deli

Here we are.  Friday.  And honestly, I don't have much to talk about.  I mean I already covered problematic explorers, three day weekends, and new sandwich contests.  All in all, a pretty boring week if you ask me.  Which is why I needed to cover another PEC. I've been a little behind pace (I've eaten 42 pork rolls this year) and I really want to get some cool data visualizations out to you guys for the new year (decade, fuck).  Now that it's getting cold and my only weekend plans include a best of three playoff series in an adult softball league and catching a nice buzz while watching the entire Lord of the Rings series (not particularly in that order), I'll hopefully be able to start working on that soon.  In some other news, due to the Taliercio's sandwich of the week taking the spot of another sandwich this week, I will be reviewing TWO sandwiches next week most likely on Tuesday and Thursday so make sure to look for those as well as potentially two more pork rolls on Monday and Friday.  OK, well that's my life update, friendly reminder that you all have about one week left to figure out your Halloween costumes. (I'll never be too old to dress up on Halloween and do I ever have some fun ones for you guys in the pipeline.) 

Bread Rating: 6.2/10 (A pretty soft hard roll reminiscent to something you'd find in one of those clear containers of bread they have at the grocery store.  I'm not saying this bread came from the Acme down the street but suspicious minds...)

Pork Roll Rating: 6.4/10 (Three thick slices of a similar brand of pork roll that I found in Colts Neck.  Not my favorite.)

Egg Rating: 7.2/10 (The eggs were plentiful, fried and seasoned well.  A highlight)

Cheese Rating: 6.6/10 (There was cheese on there, I think, and it was melted.) 

Sandwich Composition: 7.1/10 (It was put together nicely.  I appreciated both sides of the roll being dolloped with ketchup, likely to distract from the subpar roll. But it was a good looking PEC and a good size.)

Overall: 6.7/10 (What we have here folks is our very first "Bodega Pork Roll." If you don't know the term "Bodega" I hope you go get some culture in your life. This PEC will play if it's all you have in the area or you're in a pinch.  It certainly wasn't the worst I've ever had but it is what it is.)

Price: $4, cash 

Willow Deli is located at 290 Willow Dr, Little Silver, NJ 07739

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: The Klocko

A friend sent an interesting snapchat to me the other day.  No, it's not what you're thinking.  He was in Taliercio's and allegedly there is now a "sandwich of the month."  Upon investigation (when I went in today) I noticed a new sign right in front: "The Klocko" October's Sandwich of the Month.  Seeing as though it's now halfway through October, I couldn't think of a better time than now to introduce you all to this month's Sandwich of the Month. The contest is simple.  Once a month they will be picking a random individual to create a sandwich and name it for the entire month.  All you need to do is: 

1. Take a picture of your sandwich and tag @taliercios on Instagram.
2. Hashtag with #Taliercios #NJSBest #ItsHeroNotHoagie (love the last one, sorry Philly. I'm not sorry.) 

Now before you start asking me when my sandwich will appear (Mom), I have a dilemma.  Do I submit as myself on my personal IG and send in the Anthony G? (As seen in this blog post, the Anthony G would be Turkey, Pepper Jack, Jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, tomatoes, onion, chipotle mayo panini.)  Or do I submit under my alias IG El Jefe Eats and wait until I collect all of the data on the sandwiches to create the most scientifically proven and perfect Taliercio's concoction (you better believe the El Jefe will include fried ravs on the sandwich because those are the undisputed GOAT.) 

Please, yell at me in the Facebook comments about this.  Or if you don't care just scroll down to see what the very first winner came up with.

The Klocko: Chicken Cutlet, Mozzarella, Fried Eggplant, Broccoli Rabe, Sundried Tomatoes, Balsamic Glaze

I don't know you Klocko but you really did it.  This sandwich is very reminiscent of The Mo which as you know received very high praise from me.  It's also where I professed my new found love of Broccoli Rabe.  Well, you know how you improve on grilled chicken?  Klocko knows.  You bread it and fry it.  Oh and while you're at it add in fried eggplant too. Whew.  Don't get me wrong, the grilled chicken was perfect for summer, but now that fall has reared its head and it's about 50 degrees outside, you're going to want this comforting fried medley of goodness to get you to the weekend.  

Overall: 8.3/10

Monday, October 14, 2019

PEC Challenge: D'Alessio's Bagel Express

We already covered a syphilis infected Italian man seeking riches in America already in this blog so I won't get into too much detail on this Columbus Day*.  By all accounts, the man, Christopher Columbus, was an absolute piece of shit who left behind a legacy of horror for the hundreds of thousands of indigenous populations in the Carribean who were "discovered" by his now elementary understanding of world geography.  It's easy for us now to poke fun of Columbus' mistaken discovery of what he thought was a short cut to the East Indies when there are satellites in SPACE that show us the entirety of our planet.  Despite the miracle of having all human knowledge available in our pockets, it's probably safe to say that 50% of you still couldn't find Indonesia on a map today.  And no, I'm not defending Columbus, just trying to provide some people with perspective.  I spent the morning celebrating Italian-Americans by hitting up a bagel shop named D'Alessio's Bagel Express.  By all accounts, it seems I may be one of the only people in New Jersey working today since absolutely no one was at this place this morning.  It honestly startled me a little bit especially given its proximity to the commuter ferry to the city.  Could I be in for a bad PEC? On Columbus Day no less? After the Cowboys embarrassed me last night and gave me no choice but to order multiple shots at the bar? 

Bread Rating: 7.4/10 (A pretty good bagel from the bagel express.) 

Pork Roll Rating: 7.8/10 (Very solidly cooked pork roll, four slices with cheese in between them.)

Egg Rating: 7.4/10 (Two large fried eggs with a generous amount of pepper.)

Cheese Rating: 5.8/10 (Although the cheese in between the pork roll was nice, the top cheese wasn't very melted. 

Sandwich Composition: 6.8/10 (The SPK ratio was good on this one but it might be considered "greasy" to some which cause the contents to slip off the bagel.) 

Overall Rating: 7.1/10 (There was a kind of nostalgia I had while eating this PEC.  Maybe it was the generous pepper application or the time tested griddle leaving years of seasoning on the pork roll and egg.  Either way, this is a pretty great "hangover" PEC that really brought me back to the mid-2000s and yes, I am now listening to my Ultimate Pop Punk playlist on Spotify, thank you for asking.)

Price, $4.85, cash. 

D'Alessio's Bagel Express is located at 949 NJ-36, Leonardo, NJ 07737.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Taliercio's Challenge: The De Niro

If you've seen any crime film in the last forty years chances are you've been graced by Robert De Niro's presence on your screen.  He's a two-time Academy Award winner (Godfather Part II and Raging Bull) and a plethora of nominations in classics such as Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, The Deer Hunter, Awakenings, Silver Linings Playbook, The King of Comedy, Goodfellas, New York, New York, Midnight Run, Analyze This, and Meet the Parents.  If that's not enough how about roles in A Bronx Tale, Casino, Heat, Jackie Brown, and Men of Honor.  De Niro is an all-time actor who once gained 60lbs just to be fat Jake LaMotta for about ten minutes in Raging Bull.  Interestingly, two movies (Taxi Driver, King of Comedy) he was in play a significant influence on Todd Phillip's directorial take on Joker.  In those films, De Niro plays mentally ill characters (one a taxi driver, duh. The other an aspiring stand-up comedian) who are, to put it delicately, going through tough times.  Despite what you might read or the hysteria being spread by Blue Checkmarks on, this is what the crux of the new film Joker really is.  In Joker, De Niro is on the other side of mental illness, playing the lead character's (Arther Fleck/Joker) favorite talk show host.  I won't say any more about that movie since it just came out, but if you're interested at all in mental health and good filmmaking I would recommend it.  Just warning you, like most of De Niro's work, you might leave the theater a bit disturbed by the events of the film.  You know what else disturbed me?  How much I liked this panini so let's get to it.   

The De Niro: Honey Maple Ham, Smoked Gouda, Red Onion, Dijonaise

"Seriously, don't sleep on the Gouda."  You might remember that quote from Marshall Eriksen on How I Met Your Mother.  And dammit he was right.  This simple ham and cheese panini is taken to the next level all thanks to that beautiful, mild, yellow cheese.  Gouda was first seen in history in 1184, making it one of the oldest recorded cheeses in the world still made today.  I wonder why? Topped with Taliercio's homemade Dijonaise spread, this panini was off the plate and down my throat in record time.  Did it have anything to do with me skipping breakfast? Don't judge me.  You cannot go wrong with ham and cheese, you just can't, it's tried and true.  This one really was something else though.  Whew.

Overall: 8.4/10

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

PEC Challenge-Bagel Masters

I know, I know.  It's been a while for the pork rolls.  What the hell? As much as I wish it did, the pork roll game does not pay the bills.  Yes, even though I work from home, I still have to do work and not to be that guy but shit has been crazy.  It's not easy finding time to sneak away most mornings when you work from dawn(ish) to dusk trying to win over the hearts and minds of good-hearted midwesterners with political ads.  The blog isn't the only thing that I've been semi-neglecting while I slowly contribute to our country's descent into madness one ad at a time.  My DVR is almost completely full.  Talk about first world problems, "omg so sorry you have to work on a computer alone all day and haven't been able to watch grown adults party at Headliner" (Yeah, there's about ten episodes of Jersey Shore on there.)  It's been a real tough scene. The biggest culprit of filling my DVR that's been staring me in the face for months? Man v. Food.  If you aren't familiar with the premise, it's simple. A man (originally portrayed by Adam Richman) travels across the country in search of food challenges. (Talk about a dream job).  Sometimes it's really spicy wings and sometimes it's nearly 10 pounds of ground beef and carbs.  You just never know.  Anyway, Man v Food was recently revived with a brand new host, Casey Webb, who happens to be from the great state of, you guessed it, New Jersey.   Casey is a local who grew up in Little Silver and naturally did a Jersey Shore episode of Man v Food.  His favorite bagel stop? Bagel Masters in Shrewsbury.  If it's good enough for a guy on Food Network it should be good enough for you but let's find out for sure.  

Bread Rating: 7.7/10 (Pretty bold to call yourselves the bagel masters but they came through with a surprisingly fluffy yet toasted bagel.)

Pork Roll Rating: 7.8/10 (Three mediumly sliced pieces of pork roll smothered, I mean look at it with cheese.  No char at all, almost looked undercooked but alas it was actually pretty close to perfect.)

Egg Rating: 7.2/10 (Not the star of the show nor should it be.  It was a fried egg that was also smothered with cheese.)

Cheese Rating: 8.2/10 (I cannot stress this enough, including real cheese on these sandwiches will make it so much better.  It's the difference between a high 7 and a six in my opinion so please if you're reading this and own a deli...always spring for the good stuff, I'll pay more I don't care.)

Sandwich Composition: 9.1/10 (I have to say this was the first time I've had a PEC on a bagel and left little to no mess.  There was no sliding! Everything stayed together perfectly.  Was it the amount of cheese? The perfect amount of meat? Excellent SPK application here.  Just so solid.)

Overall: 8/10 (I know, rookie score, but the numbers never lie, and that's the tea.) 

Price: $4.85, credit cards accepted with $15 minimum so bring cash or bring some home for the kids.

Bagelmasters is located at 661 Broad St, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Taliercio's Sandwich Challenge-Black Russian

I'm sure you have all seen a White Russian thanks to The Big Lebowski (or maybe the Olympics), but did you know that the Black Russian is the older cocktail?  That's right, the 2 part Coffee liqueur, 5 part Vodka drink that's handed out at every Russian breakfast since age 12 first appeared in 1949 beating out its brother "White Russian" by sixteen years.  You'll never believe this but neither drink is Russian in origin.  The Black Russian is ascribed to Gustave Tops, a Belgian bartender, who created the drink in the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, Perle Mesta.  The more you know.  So why choose this sandwich on the first of October? The answer also has nothing to do with Russians.  The White and Black Russians might be the most unique sandwiches at Taliercio's in that they are served on Pumpernickel bread rather than the usual Semolina bread on almost all other sandwiches.  I suppose you could ask for Pumpernickel on any sandwich but who wants to make such a fuss?  Why Pumpernickel on October 1st? Glad you asked.  Pumpernickel bread is a slightly sweet rye bread traditionally made with sourdough.  Who made this type of bread? The Germans, of course, who are responsible for all of your favorite Oktoberfest celebrations. The bread has been heavily associated with the Westphalia region since at least 1450.  Traditionally known as peasant fare by the Germans, the word Pumpernickel derives from the High German word "pumpern" a synonym for flatulent and "Nickel" which was a form of the name Nicholas, commonly associated with the devil in German culture.  Yes, that means the word pumpernickel literally means devil's fart in German.  So let us find out how the devil's fart tastes, together, like the peasants we are.  

Black Russian: Roast Beef, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Horseradish Pub Sauce, Pumpernickel Bread

This might go down as one of my favorites as Taliercio's, something I never would have guessed because who would order a sandwich with pumpernickel bread? The pumpernickel bread was actually really good. A nice, sweet change of pace for sure and even though it might have looked like one, it did not taste like a devil's fart.  Myth busted. But honestly, you could put this roast beef and horseradish sauce on anything and it would have been good.  A perfect sandwich to jump into fall with (yes, for me fall begins October 1st), it will strangely leave you wanting more pumpernickel.  Spooky. 

Overall: 8.3/10